This is a 2 day lecture based course that covers widely the different aspects of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery and Breast Reconstruction by an expert faculty from across the world.
We tried to keep the registration fee t the minimum as we believe that education is a right and not a privilege. The registration for this is £250 and the provisional program is below.
You can register using the links below
If you are more interested in the Cadaveric Course then please check the Cadaveric Course Page please use the links below

Wednesday 26th of July
Day 1
The Breast Course
Registration and Coffee
The Basics
0900-0920 | Pathology for surgeons
0920-0940 | Radiology for Surgeons
0940-1000 | New Localization techniques
1000-1020 | ICG in Breast Surgery
Coffee Break
Oncology for Surgeons
1045-1105 | Chemotherapy as a surgical tool
1105-1125 | Endocrine treatment for surgeons
1125-1145 | Genomics
1145-1205 | Radiotherapy
1145-1225 | Managing the axilla/less is more
Local Treatments
1400-1420 | Mastectomy vs Conservation
1420-1440 | Volume replacement vs Displacement
1440-1500 | Skin and Nipple sparing Mastectomy, how to decrease complications.
1500-1520 | Sensation Sparing
Coffee Break
Mastectomy & Reconstruction
1550-1610 | Implants vs Flaps
1610-1630 | Pre vs subpectoral reconstruction
1630-1650 | Implant Selection
1650-1720 | Free Flaps an overview
1720-1730 | LD flap, Salvage

27th of July
Day 2
The Breast Course
Oncoplastic Session I
0845-0905 | Round Block, Racket & Bat wing
0905-0925 | Vertical Scar, V &J Mammoplasties
0925-0945 | The Wise Pattern
0945-1005 | Septal Based Mammoplasty
Coffee Break
Planning Breast Conservation
1045-1105 | Aesthetic Assessment of the Breast
1105-1125 | Patient Selection
1125-1145 | How to Mark
1145-1205 | Scar placement and Level I
Oncoplastic Session II
1345-1405 | CWPF, Anatomy and Marking
1405-1425 | LiCAP, MiCAP and LTAP
1425-1445 | Modifications of CWPF
1445-1505 | TDAP
1505-1525 | Fat Grafting